Strategies: 2021 - 2022
The CJCC is a strategy of the MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge. The Safety and Justice Challenge’s goal is to develop and model effective ways to keep people out of jail who do not pose a threat to public safety, more effectively reintegrate to community upon release, and help reduce recidivism while identifying and working towards reducing racial ethnic disparities in the criminal justice system. The strategies outlined below are meant to address the Safety and Justice Challenge’s goals in the Lake County Criminal Justice System.
Revised Jail population reduction target 475
Equity Team
Engaging the community in monitoring our jail population drivers and eliminating racial and ethnic disparities
Increase the communication and trust between communities and stakeholders
Add community members to the decision-making table
Decrease the percentage of persons from communities of color admitted to the jail
Living Room Wellness Center
Police drop-off crisis triage stabilization center
Divert 12-15 persons per month from entering the criminal justice system
Serve as the hub to partner community agencies to increase health, equity, and health literacy.
Crisis Outreach and Support Team
Mobile Crisis Co-Responder Program (deputy and social worker) with 12-15 served per month
Peer Recovery Specialist provides 60-90 days follow up
Increases community outreach
Use of social media and community forums where there is racial, ethnic, and health disparity
Pretrial Services Initiatives
Public Safety Assessment Implementation
Judicial and Justice Partner Training
Our goal is for 50% of those have a PSA Risk Assessment completed at first appearance to receive an unsecured no-cash bond
Additional goal: reaching 75% of all defendants appearing in Bond Court with a PSA assessment to aid the court in making a bond decision
Reduce over-reliance on Pretrial Supervision (884 Sept. 23, 2020)
Reduce the number of persons charged with technical violations by changing internal policies
Court Date Text Notifications*
Public Defender
Criminal justice Community Council
Quarterly Meetings –Virtual
Covid-19 Update/Trends
State’s Attorney’s Office Domestic Violence/Overdose Trends
Pretrial reform
Data Presentations –Loyola Center for Criminal Justice Research, Policy and Practice
Data Dashboards
Sheriff’s Office Jail Dashboard
2019 Releases
Race & Ethnicity
Most Serious Offense
2020 Admissions & Releases
State’s Attorneys Office